Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

Posted On 11/10/2009 05:04:00 PM by Jered Schneider |

For those of you who braved the long lines and lack of sleep for the midnight release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you have been rewarded for your efforts. Modern Warfare lives up to and exceeds many expectations to what was one of the most highly anticipated games of all time.

This game is amazing. The visuals blow you away right away. The amount of detail and realism that go into the game environments is great. The gameplay is the same as it always is, but that is not a bad thing. I have always felt that the COD gameplay and controls were the best and most natural feeling of any FPS.

A great new feature in this year's game is Spec Ops. These are 23 stand alone missions that you can do single player or co-op. But you have got to find a friend for this one, because the Co-Op missions are a blast. Another great part about these missions is that it has already been confirmed that more of the Spec Op missions will be released via DLC

Although the single player campaign is considerably short (5-6 hours), it is fun and well made. The campain lacks a really compleling story, but you do get action and lots of it.

But as we all know, the bread of butter of COD is the multiplayer. With not even 24 hours since the launch, I have yet to even scratch the surface on the deep and highly replayable mulitplayer. Improvements this year include new features such as Choose a Emblem, Choose a Killstreak, and tons of others.
A great new Killstreak option is the Predator missle. Get 4 kills, and you can pop open a laptop and guide a falling missile toward little red squares on the map (the bad guys) and drop a big one right one top of them. Its very satisfying to be guiding one down on an unspecting victim, and have 2 of his friends run right under it as well.

Many people were worried about the new Deathstreak perks causing an unfair shift in favor to the FNC's (F'in New Guys). This thankfully is not the case. You will hardly notice a difference in the noob with a death streak who gets a 10 second health boost, but it helps out new players tremendously by allowing them to last a little longer before getting cut down in a hail of bullets.

The new maps are also great, and many of the maps are very balanced. My favorite right now is Terminal. Terminal is a airport with lots of open spaces for good firefights, as well as really close quarters inside of the airplanes. Fun map and great for Headquarters.

Overall this game is great and I don't think anyone expected any differently.

Verdict: 9.8 out of 10

Best: Multiplayer is deeper and more replayable and fun than COD4, as amazing as that sounds.

Worst: Longer story mode with better overall story would have helped, but not a deal breaker.

Go and buy this game now! Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Jered is the senior editor of The Everythingist. 
Contact Jered: Email-Twitter
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