Douchebro Gets A Lesson In Irony

Posted On 11/04/2009 10:41:00 PM by Jered Schneider |

There are many types of costumes available during the Halloween season. Some funny, some awesome, some just plain cool. None of those words apply to the sexual innuendo costumes that millions of douchebro's adorn each All Hallow's Eve.

In the case of a young James N. P. Miller, his incredibly clever Halloween costume not only made no girls want to come anywhere near him, it also made his drunk driving arrest way more hilarious and ironic.

The only thing I can't figure out is why would you not take off that stupid costume when you are getting your mugshot taken?

According to a police report:
18-year-old James N. P. Miller, of Cincinnati, was seen driving the wrong way out of the entrance to a one-way street at East Park Place in Oxford. 

Officers executed a traffic stop and found that Miller was wearing a breathalyzer costume [I assume they laughed their asses off]. After investigation, police said, Miller was found to be operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Inside his car, officers allegedly found an open container of Bud Light in the center console.
Officers also found what was left of a case of Bud Light in the passenger side front seat and in the trunk.

via Gizmodo

If it makes James feel any better, I am officially entering him into The Everythingist Awesome Halloween Costume Contest. If he wins, maybe he will wear his Free T-Shirt in his next mugshot.

Jered is the senior editor of The Everythingist. 
Contact Jered: Email-Twitter

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