Spam Filter for Postal Mail

Posted On 11/11/2009 02:40:00 PM by Jered Schneider |

Lets be honest. When is the last time you got a letter from someone in the mail. Like a legit one. Ok now think about the last time you got stupid junk mail.

Thanks to postal spammers and the Publisher's Clearning House, our US Postal system stays afloat. But don't you wish there was a way to stop all the crap from piling up?

A new service from Tonic offers to stop all of your junk mail (and they will throw in some high efficiency lightblubs and a Green shopping bag). They call it Precycling (like recycling, but stopping it before it happens.) It is a solid idea, and if you want to cough up the $35 +$7 shipping they will even plant 5 trees to make you feel even better about yourself.

It seems like a solid service, and having an empty mailbox is so much better then having an overflowing one of crap you don't want.

Check it out HERE
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