Larry King Live: This Gets Akward

Posted On 11/13/2009 12:11:00 AM by Jered Schneider |

Larry King had former Miss Califorina Carrie Prejean on his show last night, and things got awkward. Here is a little setup: Prejean is the former Miss California USA 2009, and Miss USA 2009 first runner-up. She gained nationwide attention over her answer to a question about same-sex marriage. Prejean was dethroned on June 10, 2009, allegedly for continued breach of contract. Prejean called those claims false, and filed a libel suit alleging that she has been discriminated against due to her religious views. Pageant officials countersued and demanded Prejean to repay the money spent for her breast implants. The legal battle between Prejean and the pageant officials was later settled out of court on November 3, 2009 following the revelation of a sex tape involving Prejean (Wikipedia)

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