Top 10 Facebook Apps

Posted On 11/07/2009 11:29:00 PM by Jered Schneider |

Facebook has lot of applications. Most of them are incredibly annoying. But they are also increbily popular. Mashable put up a poll asking for their reader's favorite Facebook apps. Here are the results.

Top 10 Mashable Reader Facebook Apps

10. Pet Society
9. Status Shuffle
8. Desktop Notifications
7. Restaurant City
6. Scrabble
5. Bejeweled Blitz
4. Twitter
3. Static FBML
2. Mafia Wars
1. FarmVille

My personal fav is Desktop Notifications. It is a great app that uses Growl notifications to alert you to any notifications, so you don't have to be constantly checking your Facebook.

What are your favorites? I run the Facebook Purity Greasemonkey Script (which I highly recommend) so I am oblivious to most of these.

via Mashable

Jered is the senior editor of The Everythingist. 
Contact Jered: Email-Twitter
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