Case of the Mondays: 40 Time-Wasting Web Sites

Posted On 11/16/2009 11:08:00 AM by Jered Schneider |

PC World released a list of great time wasting websites. If you have a serious case of the Mondays, this is a great list to help you make it though the day.

From PC World:
Warning: Reading this story may be hazardous to your productivity. The Web sites within may divert you from the dull tasks in need of your attention and may cause you to goof off for hours instead.
Oh, who are we kidding? You weren't going to get any work done today, anyway. So you might as well waste time in style--and these sites will help you do it.

Figuring that you're already familiar with the Facebooks and YouTubes and Onions of the Net, we decided that any further serious undermining of your motivation to labor entailed digging up some obscure nuggets to commingle with the more familiar destinations. Our only criterion: Every site should be entertaining and habit-forming. And we found 'em--40 of 'em. Now just put up your privacy screen, kick back, and start clicking. Caveat: If you get caught, it won't do you any good to tell your boss that we're the ones who suggested it. And let me say for the record that I didn't waste any time on the organization of this list!

Check out the list HERE  

via PC World

Jered is the senior editor of The Everythingist. 
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