You Are Never Too Old For A Tauntaun Sleeping Bag

Posted On 11/16/2009 11:23:00 AM by Jered Schneider |

What Star Wars fan hasn't dreamed of snuggling up inside of a dead Tauntaun's steamy innards on a cold winters night? Well now that dream can become a reality.

Thanks to ThinkGeek, you can now curl up inside a Tauntaun sleeping bag. (The funniest part is the lightsaber zipper).

From ThinkGeek:
In the sub-zero wasteland of the planet Hoth, only the strong survive... and of course those lucky Jedi protected by the thick skin of a Tauntaun. Now after exhaustive movie viewing research and analysis ThinkGeek Labs has isolated the exact synthetic compounds needed to re-create Tauntaun fur. What have we done with this supreme knowledge? Created a Tauntaun sleeping bag of course.
This high-quality sleeping bag looks just like a Tauntaun, complete with saddle, printed internal intestines, and a plush lightsaber zipper pull. Now when your kids tell you their favorite Star Wars movie is "Attack of the Clones" you can nestle the wee-ones snug in simulated Tauntaun fur while regaling them with the amazing tale of "Empire Strikes Back".

Use the plush lightsaber zipper pull on the Tauntaun sleeping bag to illustrate how Han Solo saved Luke Skywalker from certain death in the freezing climate of Hoth by slitting open the belly of a dead Tauntaun and placing Luke inside the stinking (but warm) carcass. If your kids don't change their tune on which Star Wars film is the greatest ever, you can do your best Jar Jar impression until they repent.
This will be on the top of my wish list forever. Its only $99.99 and is currently out of stock, but order one because its worth the wait.

From ThinkGeek

Jered is the senior editor of The Everythingist. 
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